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Reading in our life

Multiple Choice Test

Прочитайте текст и выполните тест. В каждом из 8 заданий только один ответ правильный.

My husband hasjust returned from a trip to Iceland. He enthused about the natural and man-made wonders of the place: the geysers; the ancient glaciers; the fact that a large beer costs $10 a glass. However, it was when he told me that 99 per cent of the Icelandic population are literate that I got excited. If Icelandic schools can produce such spectacular results, why can't ours in Britain? According to the Basic Skills Agency, one in six people in Britain has literacy problems. I think we must ask why so many children are leaving school (after eleven years of compulsory education) unable to read and write their own language satisfactorily. I was once told by a highly literate woman that: 'Reading and writing isn't everything. We should learn to value people for themselves, they have other skills.' We were in a literacy centre at the time, full of adults struggling to learn their own language. A couple of people were in their seventies and had spent a lifetime covering up the fact that they couldn't read or write. Some of their excuses were creative. One man wrapped a bandage around his right hand whenever he had an official form to fill in. Other, more common, excuses are: 'I've forgotten my glasses' or 'My handwriting is bad'.
I was a late reader myself, so I can empathize with the terror of looking down at a page full of incomprehensible black squiggles. I used to dread being asked to read by the teacher in my infant school (who was so unkind that my brain turned to porridge whenever I saw her). I learned to read during an absence from school. I was away for three weeks with mumps. My mother bought Richmal Crompton's Just William books, and I was so captivated by the ink drawings that I wanted to know what the captions said underneath. My mother read them to me, and somehow, by the time I went back to school, I could read the books myself.
For those of you who don't know the William books, I'd better explain their attraction. They start in the 1930s when William Brown is an eleven-year-old boy. He lives in a village in the country with his family. His mother, Mrs Brown, is a long-suffering woman prone to headaches. Mrs Brown can't quite bring herself to think badly of William, though God knows there is daily evidence that he is the son from hell. Mr Brown is a permanently angry man. Unlike his wife, he is convinced that William is the spawn of the devil.
William leads a gang called 'The Outlaws', but he is not a wicked boy. The books are wonderful and have a rich, sophisticated vocabulary. The reader sees the adult world through William's eyes and, like him, finds it a baffling, hypocritical place.
William Brown hated school and was constantly in trouble. And, judging by the letters he wrote (ransom notes, usually), he struggled with his spelling and punctuation. My literary hero never grew up, but I hope that a good teacher out there in Fictionland persevered with him and that he left school able to read and write. Because I fear that William's 'other skills' - disorderliness, hand-to-hand fighting - would not have adequately equipped him for adult life. Unless, of course, he wanted to join the foreign legion, whose only entry qualification is that applicants must have hands and legs.
Good teachers should be honoured by society. We should pay them more and stop being jealous of their long holidays. Boring, inadequate teachers should be sifted out before they leave teacher-training college. On no account should their fatal influence be allowed to pollute the lives of small children. One of my daughters wept every night for weeks because she was afraid of the 'shouting' teacher.
Millions of jobs have disappeared now, and will never return. However, unemployed people remain, and it's only fair that if they are to stay at home in, they should be allowed to pick up a book and be able to read it.

Do the test


  1. What the author of the article likes most about Iceland is
    the geysers and a lot of ice.
    the prices of different products.
    the level of education.
  2. According to the story the education in Britain is
    better than in Iceland.
    worse than in Iceland.
    is absolutely different from Icelandic education.
  3. In literacy centres in Britain you can meet
    very creative children.
    people who have been illiterate all their life.
    people with physical problems.
  4. The author of the story learnt to read
    while she was ill.
    at the lessons in school.
    while she was examining pictures.
  5. The author liked the William books because
    the boy hated school as the author did.
    the readers could see the adult world through the boy\'s eyes. the author feared for the boy.
    the author feared for the boy.
  6. The most important thing in life according to the author is
    ability to read and write.
    to have different skills that would be necessary for the life.
    to join the foreign legion.
  7. According to the text teachers should
    get special education at teachers-training college.
    influence the life of small children.
    be respected.
  8. According to the text literacy gives you an opportunity to find a job.
    find a job.
    spend the time better while looking for a job.
    escape unemployment.


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National parks

The Commonwealth of Nations

Прочитайте текст на английском языке про Содружество наций и выполните TRUE / FALSE тест. Если предложение в задании соответствует по смыслу содержанию текста, выберите TRUE. В противном случае нажимайте FALSE. Если ответ правильный, в строке Your score появится заработанный балл. Все кнопки, которые вы используете, останутся на месте, остальные исчезнут. Проанализируйте свои результаты. Чтобы повторно выполнить тест, перезагрузите страницу.

The Commonwealth
Formerly known as the British Commonwealth of Nations, the Commonwealth is a loose association of former British colonies, dependencies and other territories - and Mozambique, which has no historical ties to Britain.

The modern Commonwealth has its roots in the 19th century, when the British Empire began to disintegrate. As some of its parts got varying degrees of independence from the motherland, a new constitutional definition of their relationship with each other had to be found.
The Commonwealth has no constitution or charter, but the heads of government of its member states hold Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) every two years to discuss issues of common interest.

As head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II is recognised by its members as the "symbol of their free association". She attends the Commonwealth summits and the Commonwealth Games, which are held every four years. Also, on every Commonwealth Day, which is the second Monday in March, she broadcasts a message to all member countries.

The Commonwealth has been criticised for being a post-colonial club and for having little influence. But to its members it is a voluntary association of independent states which is in the business of promoting democracy, good government, human rights and economic development.
The fact that members share common traditions in many fields, including a common language, enables them to work together in an atmosphere of cooperation and understanding, strengthening even further the prestige of the Commonwealth.

Membership of the Commonwealth brings some practical benefits through the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation (CFTC). This is the main way in which the Commonwealth promotes economic and social development and reducing poverty.

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