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Внеклассная работа по предмету


За годы работы в школе у меня накопились материалы, которые могут пригодиться учителю английского языка во внеклассной работе. Их вы не найдете на просторах интернета, так как они публикуются впервые и являются авторскими разработками.

Все проекты и сценарии написаны мною лично, поэтому я публикую их от своего имени, но в их практической творческой реализации принимали активное  участие все мои коллеги.

ЕГЭ A22-A28 демо 2014
грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22–А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям A22–A28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Отметьте в тесте один номер ответа для каждого задания.

It wasn’t unusual for Amos to go to Deravenels on Saturday, even though the offices were closed over the weekend. He (A22) ______ to go to tidy up his paperwork and do other small jobs he couldn’t attend to during the week.
But on this Saturday morning he had a specific purpose when he arrived at the grand old building on the Strand. The uniformed doorman (A23) ______ Amos close his umbrella and take off his raincoat. Then he touched his cap and said, “Good morning, Mr. Finnister”.
Amos had come to the office to (A24) ______ a few telephone calls. His first call was to the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, where he quickly discovered the records office was not open on weekends. He then dialed Ravenscar and was put through to Edward Deravenel.
“Good morning, Amos,” Edward said. “I’m assuming you have some news for me.” Amos then relayed all the information he had gathered the night before.
“Well done, Amos!” Edward exclaimed. “Thank you for going into all this (A25) ______ . I knew I could depend (A26) ______ you. My wife will be happy as I am to know everything; it’s been such a mystery all these years. To (A27) ______ the truth, I think that Grace Rose should also know what happened to her mother. It will finally put her mind at rest.”
“I agree, sir. I will telephone you on Monday”. Amos walked home, (A28) ______ no attention to the heavy rain. He felt happy.

ЕГЭ А22-А28


  1. А22
    1) held
    2) took
    3) used
    4) kept
  2. А23
    1) looked
    2) gazed
    3) stared
    4) watched
  3. А24
    1) take
    2) do
    3) make
    4) give
  4. А25
    1) worry
    2) trouble
    3) bother
    4) mess
  5. А26
    1) at
    2) on
    3) in
    4) of
  6. А27
    1) tell
    2) speak
    3) say
    4) talk
  7. А28
    1) turning paying 3) drawing 4) bringing
    2) paying
    3) drawing
    4) bringing



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