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Новые материалы
- ВПР 4-5 класс 2025 по английскому - онлайн тесты
- Interactive Winter English - игры для детей
- Аудирование - Music I love - Reggae
- Интерактивные тренажёры Describe the person
- About Russia in English: reading - listening - tests
- Игра "Colour the clown"
- My favourite season - тексты на английском с заданиями
- Online memory games: лексика animals, sport

Для урока
Save Planet Earth - Tokyo Rose
lyrics and music by D.Buckham and P.Barclay
Эту песню на английском языке можно использовать для аудирования и отработки лексики по теме "Охрана окружающей среды" на уроке и самостоятельно.
1. Соотнесите слова и выражения из левого столбика таблицы с их толкованием.
При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем. Все ответы даны в конце страницы.
1) to save |
a) a man, a fellow (informal) |
2) fat cats |
b) damaging or destructive to smth |
3) earth |
c) at risk of being harmed |
4) rainforest |
d) people and countries |
5) famine |
e) the planet we live on |
6) hell on to smth |
f) to rescue from harm or danger |
7) world |
g) tropical forest |
8) Jack |
h) a long period without rain |
9) on the line |
i) a severe shortage of food |
10) drought |
j) executives who earn unreasonably high salaries and bonuses (slang) |
2. Прослушайте песню не глядя на видео и вставьте вместо пропусков слова из первого задания.
What are you doing to (1) ____ we know
Burning (2) ____ as we go.
It's our world that's (3) ____
But it's the (4) ____ that's doing fine
We got (5) ____ planet Earth
Save her for what's she's worth.
Saving planet Earth got to save the (6) ____
Save her from (7) ____ Earth.
We drive our cars, we fly our planes.
We don't care if it ever rains.
As long as (8) ____ he's alright.
He don't need* to shout about (9) ____ or (10) ____.
* don't вместо грамматически правильного doesn't (слэнг)
1) to save |
f) to rescue from harm or danger |
2) fat cats |
j) executives who earn unreasonably high salaries and bonuses (slang) |
3) the Earth |
e) the planet we live on |
4) rainforest |
g) tropical forest |
5) famine |
i) a severe shortage of food |
6) hell on to smth |
b) damaging or destructive to smth |
7) world |
d) people and countries |
8) Jack |
a) a man, a fellow (informal) |
9) on the line |
c) at risk of being harmed |
10) drought |
h) a long period without rain |
What are you doing to the Earth we know.
Burning rainforests as we go.
It's our world that's on the line.
But it's the fat cats that's doing fine.
We got to save planet Earth
Save her for what's she's worth.
Saving planet Earth got to save the world
Save her from hell on Earth.
We drive our cars, we fly our planes.
We don't care if it ever rains.
As long as Jack he's alright.
He don't need to shout about famine or drought.