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Новые материалы
- ВПР 4-5 класс 2025 по английскому - онлайн тесты
- Interactive Winter English - игры для детей
- Аудирование - Music I love - Reggae
- Интерактивные тренажёры Describe the person
- About Russia in English: reading - listening - tests
- Игра "Colour the clown"
- My favourite season - тексты на английском с заданиями
- Online memory games: лексика animals, sport

What Did You Learn In School? (Pete Seeger)
Песня написана очень давно, но имеет глубокий смысл и актуальна в наши дни. Её нетрудно понять на слух и можно использовать для обсуждения в старших классах.
1. До прослушивания попробуйте вставить в текст песни по смыслу, рифме и ритму 10 слов, данных ниже. 2. Проверьте себя, прослушав песню. Только после этого посмотрите полный текст. 3. Внимательно прочитайте текст ещё раз. Как вы понимаете смысл песни? 4. Почитайте комментарии на youtube. |
leaders |
lie |
elect |
crimes |
justice |
free |
chance |
war |
wrong |
Government |
What did you learn in school today
Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned that Washington never told a (1)___
I learned that soldiers seldom die
I learned that everybody's (2)___
And that's what the teacher said to me
That's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school
I learned that policemen are my friends
I learned that (3)___ never ends
I learned that murderers die for their (4)___
Even if we make a mistake sometimes
I learned our (5)___ must be strong;
It's always right and never (6)___;
Our (7)___ are the finest men
And we (8)___ them again and again
I learned that (9)___ is not so bad;
I learned about the great ones we have had;
We fought in Germany and in France
And someday I might get my (10)___
And that's what I learned in school today
What did you learn in school today
Dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today
Dear little boy of mine?
I learned that Washington never told a lie
I learned that soldiers seldom die
I learned that everybody's free
And that's what the teacher said to me
That's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school
I learned that policemen are my friends
I learned that justice never ends
I learned that murderers die for their crimes
Even if we make a mistake sometimes
I learned our Government must be strong;
It's always right and never wrong;
Our leaders are the finest men
And we elect them again and again
I learned that war is not so bad;
I learned about the great ones we have had;
We fought in Germany and in France
And someday I might get my chance
And that's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school
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