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Пробный ЕГЭ 2013. Лексика и грамматика А22-А28
Диагностическая работа №2
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. В каждом задании выберите один ответ.
John was born in a four-room shack in East Texas. The Fallen men for three generations back had been loggers. As a boy, John had A22 ______to his uncles and his grandfather recount tales of the hard labor they performed day after day. John’s father had been killed by a falling tree when John was three. As soon as he was old enough, as was expected of all the males in his family, John spent his summers working on the logging A23 ______ with his grandfather and three uncles. He hated every minute of it. There had to be something more to life.
The night John A24 ______from high school his grandfather presented him with a new pair of logger’s boots. He left the new boots at home.
He arrived A25 ______ Houston with thirty dollars in his jeans and his heart pounding with excitement. He loved everything about the city-the towering buildings, the bustle, the aura of power. To his naïve eighteen-year-old eyes, all the well-dressed men and women carrying briefcases looked successful and important. He A26 ______ up his mind on the spot that someday he would be one of them. Over the next year John held a variety of jobs, usually more than one at a time. He worked as a delivery boy, a meter reader, a waiter, a cab driver, a shoe salesman, a department store clerk. The jobs A27 ______ a roof over his head and his belly full, but he wanted more. The desperate yearning and fiery ambition that had made him flee from the East Texas woods still burned inside him. Then he began to A28 ______ in motion some ideas he’d been working on for the past year.