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Досрочный ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020 Грамматика и лексика.

Те, кто готовится к ЕГЭ по английскому языку могут здесь потренироваться в выполнении лексико-грамматического теста по реальным материалам досрочного ЕГЭ 2020 года. Остальные тесты и тренажер устной части этого варианта смотрите здесь.

Весь раздел из трех заданий заключен в одном тесте, выполнив который вы получите общий результат.

1 задание на грамматику, (времена глагола, местоимения, степени сравнения и т.д.)
2 задание на словообразование.
3 задание на лексику.

При выполнении 1 и 2 задания впечатайте свои варианты ответов словами, а в третьем только номера выбранных слов. Для проверки нажмите на кнопку Check.

*Можно выполнять задания выборочно, не обращая внимания на проценты. Просто невыполненные и неверные ответы останутся в окошечках. Можно делать исправления.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

19-25. Languages of the world
What do you think is the most difficult language to learn? Chinese? Japanese? No, it is Basque, the language which 19 (SPEAK) in northwestern Spain and southwestern France. It 20 (NOT RELATE) to any other language in the world. In Basque, the name of the language is officially “Euskara”. In French, the language is normally called “basque”, though in recent times “euskara” has become common. Spanish has a 21 (GREAT) variety of names for the language than French. Today, it is most commonly referred to as “el vasco”, ”la lengua vasca” or “el euskera”.
Slavery in North America
August 13, 1619 is the date when two and a half centuries of slavery in North America began. On this day the first Africans kidnapped by the Portuguese arrived in the British colony of Virginia and 22 (BUY) by English colonists. 23 (FOUND) at Jamestown in 1607, the Virginia Colony was home to about 700 people by 1619. The first enslaved Africans to arrive there disembarked at Point Comfort, in what 24 (KNOW) today as Hampton Roads. Most of (THEY) 25 names, as well as the exact
number of those who remained at Point Comfort, have been lost to history, but much is known about their journey.
26-31. Stanley Park
Stanley Park is a 1,001-acre public park that borders the downtown of Vancouver, Canada. This 26 (AMAZE) place is almost entirely surrounded by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the main sights of Vancouver to be explored by 27 (TOUR) .
The park has a long history. The land was 28 (ORIGINAL) used by indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Then the British decided to 29 (COLONY) this place during the 1858 Fraser Canyon Gold Rush. The land was later turned into Vancouver’s first park. It was named after Lord Stanley, a British politician who had recently been appointed 30 (GOVERN) general. Unlike other large urban parks, Stanley Park is not the 31 (CREATE) of a landscape architect, but rather the evolution of a forest and urban space over many years.
32-38. Shirley
It was Friday, the thirty-first of May, and it was Shirley’s birthday, her twentieth birthday. Shirley could 32 ______ believe it, but it was true. And she suddenly, and wonderfully, felt quite grown up, very grown up, in fact. Last night her father had 33 ______ her a lovely young lady, and she had beamed at him, hugged him, and told him she was so happy to have him and Alice, have them as her parents. There was no one luckier than she was; Shirley believed that with all her 34 ______. Last night, over dinner, Alice and Victor praised her and were talking much about how proud they were of her and what she had become, and she had experienced an enormous rush of love and gratitude toward them. Her father had added that she had a wonderful life ahead of her, and she believed him. He always 35 ______ her the truth. Her dream of going to Cambridge had come true and for the past year she had been living her childhood dream, 36 ______ lectures. She 37 ______ every moment of living in that ancient city of shining spires, gracious quadrangles, and beautiful architecture. It was an extraordinary experience to be in that place of great learning, and she would 38 ______ it with love long after she had left. She was reading English and French history, her favourite subjects, and one day she hoped to be a historian and give lectures herself and write books.
32. 1) hardly 2) nearly 3) really 4) rarely
33. 1) referred 2) described 3) named 4) called
34. 1) mind 2) brain 3) heart 4) feeling
35. 1) said 2) told 3) talked 4) spoke
36. 1) approving 2) attending 3) participating 4) visiting
37. 1) admired 2) pleased 3) attracted 4) enjoyed
38. 1) repeat 2) remember 3) remind 4) review


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