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Диагностическая работа ОГЭ 2018 (10-14)

Это третье задание по чтению демоверсии диагностической работы в формате ОГЭ для 9 класса (мцко). Выполните тест и проверьте себя. Ниже даны ссылки на другие разделы этой работы, которые также можно выполнить онлайн.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 10–14.

The Volga River
The Volga River, flowing in the western part of Russia, is famous for its length, and width. It is one of the most important rivers in Russia. The people living on either side in its length believe that the river is more than just a trade and transport route. They call the river Volga Matushka (Matushka means Mother in Russian) because has played a great role in the history, culture, and lifestyle of the European Russians.
The Volga River has its beginnings in the Valdai Hills located near Moscow in the northwest. First the river flows east passing by Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod. Then it turns south near Kazan. Its journey ends in the Caspian Sea by creating a big delta near Astrakhan. Most of the length of the river is navigable as well.
One of the oldest mentions of the river was by the Greek geographer and writer Ptolemy, who mentioned the Ra River (as the Volga River was known inAncient Greece) in his book called the Geography.
The importance of the Volga River dates back to the ancient times. During the 1st century AD, the river was used for trade and transport by the Slavics, the Bulgars and the Khazars who settled in different parts of the Volga basin. Russian states were formed and there was an increase in agriculture of wheat and other crops along the river basin.
During World War II, Hitler considered the Volga River to have great significance for his war against the USSR. He had planned to block Volga routes to weaken the Russian army. But the Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942-2 February 1943) destroyed the German Sixth Army.

Укажите верный ответ в соответствии с текстом.

10. The river is called Volga Matushka
because of its importance for Russian people.
because it is the only water route in Russia.
because it flows through many Russian cities.

11. The river changes its route near

12. Ptolemy
wrote a book about the Volga.
lived in the Volga basin.
was the author of the book on geography.

13. In the 1st century the river was NOT used
to create water reservoirs.
as a trade route.
to water agricultural plants.

14. The Battle of Stalingrad
lasted two years.
blocked the Volga routes.
weakened the German army.

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