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Пример личного письма, выполненного учащейся
и оцененного 6 баллов (формат ЕГЭ)


(2 балла – содержание, 2 балла – организация текста, 2 балла – языковое оформление текста)


Задание 1 для учащегося

С1.You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Bill who writes


I don’t think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future

as I’m really interested in foreign languages, cultures and countries and I hope I’ll

work as a translator or teacher of foreign languages some day. Have you already

decided on your career? What job are you going to choose? Why?

I’ve lived in the USA my whole life but I’d really love to travel to other



Write a letter to Bill.

In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his plans for travelling.

Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


  12, Roditeleva Street

Dear Bill,

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I have not written for so long because I have been busy at school studying for my exams. How are you keeping?

In your letter you speak about issues which are interesting for all teenagers. I think a lot about my future career. Furthermore, my parents help me to choose my future profession. So I have already decided on my career. I want to become a teacher of foreign languages, too. I do like to work with children. They make me feel happy.

I know that you are fond of traveling. Where are you planning to go next? Are you planning to go with your parents or friends? Where will you live there?

I am looking forward to your answer. Keep in touch.



Задание 2 для учащегося

C1. You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve who writes


At school we are doing projects on reading habits of people in different

countries. Could you tell me what kind of books you and the members of your

family like reading?

As for the family news my sister got married last week…


Write a letter to Steve.

In your letter
tell him about the kind of books you and your relatives like to read
ask 3 questions about his sister’s husband

Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


17 November

Dear Steve,

Thank you for your recent letter. I’m awfully sorry for not writing to you earlier, I had so many tasks at school that I had very little free time.

You’ve written that you are also busy doing a project at school. I’ve always thought it might be interesting to know about reading habits of people all over the world.

You ask what books my family and I like reading. In general, Russian people are a reading nation and so we are. To be honest, I’m not reading much this year as I’m preparing for the final exams, but mostly I choose fantasy books. My mother enjoys reading detective stories while my father prefers historic literature.

I’m so glad for your sister. Pass my congratulations to her, please. Is her husband British? What does he do? Where do they live?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,



Выполните тест на правильное оформление адреса и расположение абзацев в письме.

ЕГЭ. Видео обучающее

Готовясь к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, учащиеся и учителя часто обращаются к видео на Youtube. Но выбрать полезное для себя там не всегда просто. Кто-то делится впечатлениями о сданном экзамене, кто-то слишком много говорит. Воспользуйтесь готовой подборкой видео, посвященных ЕГЭ. Возможно вам понравится. По мере необходимости ролики будут обновляться. Щелкните по выбранному видео, оно откроется. Закрывайте, нажав крестик в верхней части слайда.
На канале englishstudycafe тоже есть несколько видео с конкретными наглядными примерами.



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