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Этот раздел сайта создан в первую очередь для тех, кто учится или уже умеет делать игры, тесты, тренажеры, викторины и другие материалы в приложении PowerPoint. В учебных заведениях появились и широко используются интерактивные доски, но готового ПО для них по учебным предметам и для внеклассной работы пока явно недостаточно. А у преподавателей зачастую просто не хватает времени для создания собственных мультимедийных разработок. В интернете можно найти множество сайтов, предлагающих скачать презентации, но нередко они не отвечают вкусам и конкретным запросам того, кому они нужны. Поэтому попробуем соединить воедино: мои готовые шаблоны с анимацией, гиперссылками и т.д. и ваши текстовые материалы, например, названия, задания, вопросы и ответы. Все необходимые пояснения и демо слайды будут публиковаться здесь же. Просто оформительские шаблоны для презентаций тоже ищите в этом разделе. Внимание! Все шаблоны сделаны на основе PowerPoint 2007 и имеют формат potx.

Пробный ЕГЭ 2019 по английскому языку. Чтение 10

Выполните первое задание по чтению из раздела 2 одного из вариантов диагностической работы по английскому языку (апрель, 2019), которая проводилась в рамках пробного ЕГЭ. Второе задание смотрите здесь

Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Moscow is not for sale
2. The city of the future
3. True to life
4. The younger generation
5. A new home
6. One of many
7. A team effort
8. A hidden treasure

A. Hotel Ukraina is a remarkable building. It is located at the beginning of Kutuzovsky Avenue on the bank of the Moskva River. Built in 1957 and having a style of its own, it is worth seeing as an architectural sight. But if you go inside and walk all the way to the end of the lobby you will be rewarded with an even better sight, the existence of which is not widely known.

B. You will see there a diorama of the central part of Moscow as it looked hack in 1977. This is a model of the center of Russia's capital that was made by a large group of artists for the 1977 Soviet National Exhibition in the USA. This true work of art has a special illumination system, so Moscow can be seen during the daytime and at night when the sky turns dark and the windows of the buildings light up.

C. The model is 16 metres wide, 6 metres tall and 9.5 metres deep. On this model you can see the Kremlin and Red Square with tourist buses parked behind St Basil's Cathedral, Rossiya Hotel, the Moskva River with river trams, the embankment with cars. New Arbat street, and even the high-rise of the Moscow State University and the Ostankino TV and radio Tower. The model is very detailed and accurate.

D. After its display in Deer Park in New York City in 1977, this unique model of Moscow travelled for several years all around the world and then back to Moscow. It won a gold medal at the Leipzig Fair and was called a masterpiece. The famous US astronaut Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to walk the surface of the Moon, wanted to buy this model of Moscow for Disneyland. But the artists refused to sell it.

E. After its return to Moscow, the model was kept at VDNH, and then was purchased by Hotel Ukraina. Since then it's been admired by the guests of this hotel. You can look at the model from two different levels - the same level as the model itself, or an upper floor. The model is supplied with several pairs of headphones with an audio guide in English, Russian, French and German, explaining which part of Moscow you are looking at.

F. Even though so special and unique, this is not the only model of Moscow that exists in the city. A new architectural model of Moscow was built at VDNH in 2017. It is a lot bigger than the 1977 model and is more up to date. It occupies a special building and can be visited free of charge. The main difference is that even though equally accurate and even more detailed, the new model is just a model and not a piece of art.

G. Perhaps, the first model of a big city was created in 1940 in Los Angeles. Since then, there have been made many models of different cities around the world. One of the most impressive ones is the model of Jerusalem, Israel. It is a 1:50- scale model of how the city looked in the 1st century AD. It occupies 2,000 square meters and is located outdoors, in the Billy Rose Sculpture garden of the Israel Museum.




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