Once upon a time long, long ago, whenthe world was new, men and theirfamilies lived in caves instead of houses.They were called cavemen.
They hardly knew how to speak so whenthey wanted to talk to each other insteadof saying words they grunted like this …
They made signs with their hands.
They also did pictures on the walls oftheir caves just like you draw picturesabout the people who live in your house.
This picture writing is stillfound in some of the caveswhere they lived.
In later years the Egyptian people insteadof drawing pictures learnt to draw signsbecause they didn’t take as long to draw.We call these signs or sign writing‘hieroglyphics’.
Little by little over hundreds of yearsmen learnt to make letters instead ofsigns. This made reading and writing stilleasier.
Today everyone learns to read and writeby first learning letters which we call analphabet.
And I would like you to learn them withme. Listen carefully and say each letterafter me with the little girl. Ready?