Once upon a time therewas a monkey who livedin a tree. The forest hadalways been quiet andthe monkey could sleepundisturbed wheneverhe wanted to.
But one night the frogsmade so much noisethat the monkey couldnot sleep a wink.
The next morning hepaid them a visit.
''Why did you make somuch noise last night?"he asked. "I couldn'tsleep at all!"
''We are sorry," said thefrogs, "but we werelaughing at the turtlebecause he spent thewhole night carrying hishouse from one place tothe other.
He still has it on his backnow and he doesn'tknow where to put it. Helooks so funny!"
So the monkey went tovisit the turtle. ''Why doyou carry your house onyour back like that?" heasked.
"Oh, it's the firefly! I'mafraid that he'll burndown my house becausehe always flies aroundwith a torch," answeredthe turtle.
Monkey visited thefirefly next. The fireflysaid, "I'm afraid of themosquito. I carry a fireso I'll know when he'snear in case he tries tosting me!"
The monkey askedthe mosquito to dosomething about hisstinging so that theother animals wouldnot make so muchnoise.
The mosquito promised,"All right, before I stinganyone I'll make a buzzingsound to warn them I'mnear. The firefly won'tneed a fire to know thatI'm around if I do that.”