Hey Ryan, what's new with you?How's your guitar playing going?
It's going pretty well! I've beenpracticing a lot and I'm starting to feelmore comfortable with the chords.
Yeah, I'm really into indie rock rightnow. And actually, I've been thinkingof starting a band with some friends.Would you like to come check out ourfirst practice?
Great! And what kind of music doyou like to play on your guitar?
That sounds like so much fun!Let me know when and wherethe practice is and I'll be there.
OK! What about you? Are youstill enjoying photography asmuch as ever?
Wow, that sounds incredible! I'dlove to see some of your photossometime. I've always wanted toget into photography myself, butI don't know where to start.
Oh, yeah! Photography is my passionand I'm still totally hooked. I've just gotback from a photo shoot at the beach.
That would be awesome, thanks!I'd love to learn from someonewho's experienced. So, what madeyou get into photography in thefirst place?
Oh, it's definitely worth learning!I'd be happy to show you sometips and tricks sometime.
I've always loved taking pictures,even as a kid. My parents used totake me on holiday and I would takephotos with their camera. Now it'sjust a hobby I enjoy.