Richard found a bicycle andhelmet which he took to thelocal police station. A fewmonths later Richard received aletter from the police statingthat they had not been claimedand now belonged to him. Thepolice helped him tie the bike tothe car rack. On the way homeRichard stopped for five minutesand when he returned to the car,he discovered someone hadstolen the bike. So Richard wentback to the police station toreport the theft. All he had leftwas the helmet, which had beenin the car boot.
1. A few months later
Richard received a
letter from the police
station they had notbeen claimed and now belongedto him. The police helped him tiethe bike to the car rack.
2. On the way home Richardstopped for five minutes and whenhe returned to the car, hediscovered someone had stolenthe bike.
3. Richard found a bicycle andhelmet which he took to the localpolice station.
4. So Richard went back to thepolice station to report the theft.All he had left was the helmet,which had been in the car boot.